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1. 清洁准备:在供奉神像之前,确保神像和供奉的地方都是清洁的。你可以用清水擦拭神像,清除尘土。

2. 准备供品:准备一些供品,如水、鲜花、水果、香炉、香等。这些供品表示你的虔诚和敬意。

3. 安放神像:选择一个安静、整洁的地方,放置神像。可以放在桌子上或专门的供奉台上。

4. 点燃香烛:点燃香炉上的香,向神像致敬。你可以默念祷文或诵读经文。

5. 奉献供品:将准备好的供品摆放在神像前,表示你的敬意和虔诚。你可以倾诉心愿或祈祷。

6. 感恩和敬意:在供奉完毕后,表达对神灵的感恩和敬意。你可以合掌祈祷或默默地表达。



Consecrate God is respect of a kind of expression and devotional means. You can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Clean preparation: Before consecrate God, ensure the place of God and consecrate is clean. You can wipe God with clear water, cleared dust.

2.Plan offerings: Plan a few offerings, be like water, flower, fruit, censer, sweet etc. What these offerings represent you is devotional with devoir.

3.Put God: Choose a quiet, neat place, place God. Can be put on the table or on special consecrate stage.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Those who ignite censer to go up is sweet, to God greeting. You are OK silent reads aloud prayer or chant lection.

5.Consecratory offerings: Put ready offerings before God, the respect that shows you and devotional. You can pour out a wish or pray.

6.Be thankful and devoir: After consecrate ends, those who convey pair of deities be thankful and devoir. You can close to the palm prays or be conveyed silently.

These are the measure of general consecrate God, specific ceremony is likely differ devotionally because of religion or individual and somewhat difference.
