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1. **前排宠物**:这些宠物通常比较耐打,有较高的生存能力。他们通常具有吸引敌人攻击或提供控制效果的能力。比如一些坦克型宠物或者有嘲讽技能的宠物。

2. **中排宠物**:这些宠物通常是你的主力输出,也可能是提供控制技能的角色。他们需要在战斗中能够尽快施放技能,因此通常放在中间位置。

3. **后排宠物**:这些宠物通常是你的辅助或者远程输出。他们通常有较低的生存能力,但提供的输出或者辅助效果非常强大。



Discharge in consecrate pet in, place a dispute constant important. Above all, you need to consider the characteristic of every kinds of pet and effect, arrange the place next according to their attribute and skill, in order to achieve first-rate result.

Normally, place commonly can undertake according to the following principles:

1.** of pet of ** in front of: These pet are able to bear or endure quite normally dozen, have taller viability. They have the capacity that attract the enemy to atttack or provides control result normally. Sneer at than perhaps having like a few tank pet the pet of skill.

2.Pet ** discharges in ** : These pet are your brunt output normally, also may be the part that supplies control skill. They need to be in the battle can as soon as possible discharge skill, because this puts inter position normally.

3.** of pet of ** back row: These pet are your auxiliary long-range perhaps output normally. They have inferior viability normally, but offerred output perhaps assists the effect very powerful.

According to these principles, the pet that you can arrange you is discharged. But the particular particular case that places a pet that uses according to you even will decide. Some pet may have special skill to need to be put in specific place, still had better undertake adjustment according to actual condition so.
