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1. **选址:** 选择一个安静、整洁、尊贵的位置供奉关公摆件,最好是在家中的客厅、书房或办公室的主位。

2. **摆放方式:** 关公摆件通常是站立的形象,可以将其摆放在高处,如书桌、书架或柜子上,以示威严和威风。

3. **供品:** 在关公摆件前供奉香烛、鲜花、水果或其他食品,表示对神灵的尊敬和感谢。特别是香烛,是供奉神灵的重要物品,可以代表虔诚的心意。

4. **祈祷:** 在供奉关公摆件时,可以诚心祈祷,表达对关公的敬仰之情,同时向其祈求保佑、平安和成功。

5. **定期祭祀:** 每逢节日或特殊日子,可以进行定期的祭祀仪式,以示对关公的敬意和感恩之情。



Close fair place be by consecrate normally in the home or the office, deities blesses and protect in order to get. It is a few familiar consecrate pattern below:

1.** optional location: ** chooses a quiet, neat, exalted position consecrate to close fair place, had better be the sitting room in the home, study or office advocate.

2.** puts way: ** closes fair place it is standing figure normally, can put its pinnacled, go up like desk, bookshelf or cabinet, in order to show majesty and power and prestige.

3.** offerings: ** is closing fair place before consecrate joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit or other provision, express the respect to deities and acknowledgment. Especially joss sticks and candles, it is the fundamental goods of consecrate deities, can represent religious purpose.

4.** prays: ** closes in consecrate fair place when, can pray in earnest, express general to closing revered feeling, at the same time Xiang Jiqi is begged bless, mix in safety successful.

5.** is fixed and sacred: ** whenever festival or special day, can undertake periodic sacred ceremony, in order to show public to closing respect and the sentiment that be thankful.

Above is a few consecrate close fair place familiar pattern, but particular consecrate kind is returned should mix according to the individual's belief consuetudinary will undertake.
