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1. 准备场地:选择一个整洁、清净的场地供奉神像,可以是家中的祭坛、庙宇或特定的神龛。

2. 准备神像:选择合适的神像或神符,根据传统或个人信仰选择适当的神明。

3. 清洁准备:在供奉前,清洁场地和神像,确保其干净整洁。

4. 祭拜仪式:根据信仰传统,进行祭拜仪式,通常包括祈祷、献花、点香等仪式。

5. 祭品供奉:根据传统习俗,供奉食物、水果、鲜花、香烛等作为祭品,表达虔诚和敬意。

6. 维护与祭拜:定期维护神像,保持其清洁和整洁,并根据信仰进行定期祭拜。



The means of consecrate God because of belief of culture, religion different, but include the following measure commonly:

1.Prepare field: Select a neat, kosher site consecrate God, can be a medium altar, temple or specific shrine.

2.Prepare God: Choose appropriate God or divine accord with, choose proper deities according to tradition or individual belief.

3.Clean preparation: Before consecrate, clean place and God, ensure its are clean and neat.

4.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: According to devotional tradition, undertake hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony, include to pray normally, show flower, drop sweet wait for a ceremony.

5.Oblation consecrate: The basis is traditional and consuetudinary, consecrate food, fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles as oblation, expression is mixed piously devoir.

6.Safeguard do obeisance to with hold a memorial ceremony for: Safeguard God regularly, maintain its cleanness and neat, undertake according to belief fixed hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to.

These measure may be mixed because of religious belief culture is traditional and differ somewhat, but the common step that haply is consecrate God.
