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1. **选择新鲜茄子**:挑选外表完整、色泽鲜艳、没有软烂斑点的茄子。这样能够确保供奉物品的品相良好。

2. **清洗干净**:用清水轻轻地洗净茄子表面的泥土和杂质,然后用干净的毛巾擦干。

3. **精心摆放**:在供奉时,可以选择将茄子摆放在精美的器皿中,比如漂亮的碗或盘子里。可以考虑将茄子切成不同的形状,如薄片、条状或整个摆放,以增加视觉效果。

4. **添置其他装饰**:为了增添供奉的美感,可以在茄子周围摆放一些鲜花、瓜果或其他美观的装饰物品,使整个供奉更加丰富多彩。

5. **注重整体协调**:选择茄子的颜色和形状要与其他供奉物品相协调,形成和谐统一的整体效果。



Aubergine is Chinese tradition culture symbolizes mediumly one of, often be used at sacred with consecrate. Should let aubergine consecrate good-looking, can take the following step:

1.** chooses fresh aubergine ** : Choose outside and complete, colour and lustre the bright-coloured, aubergine that does not have soft sodden spot. Can ensure so of consecrate article article good.

2.** cleans clean ** : With clear water the clay of gently abluent aubergine surface is mixed foreign matter, wipe with clean towel next.

3.** puts ** meticulously: When consecrate, can choose to put aubergine in elegant household utensils, for instance in beautiful bowl or dish. Can consider to cut aubergine different figure, be like chip, strip or whole put, in order to increase visual result.

4.** acquires other adornment ** : To add the aesthetic feeling of consecrate, can be all round aubergine put a few flowers, melon and fruit or other and beautiful adornment goods, make whole consecrate more rich and colorful.

5.** pays attention to whole to coordinate ** : The color that chooses aubergine and appearance want to be coordinated with photograph of other consecrate article, form harmonious and unified whole effect.

Adopt above method, the consecrate that can let aubergine is more beautiful, also can show the cordial respect that gives pair of deities more.
