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1. 选择适当的容器:选择一个美观且合适的花盆或容器,最好是陶瓷或瓷器,以容纳柳树的根系。

2. 准备好土壤:为柳树准备适当的土壤,最好选择排水良好的混合土壤,以确保植物能够健康生长。

3. 种植柳树:将柳树轻轻地从原来的容器中取出,并将其根系轻轻地放入新的容器中。填充土壤,确保根部完全覆盖,并轻轻拍实土壤以稳定植物。

4. 浇水:给柳树充足的水,但不要让水淹没植物。保持土壤湿润,但不要让水积聚在底部。

5. 放置位置:将柳树放置在阳光充足但不要直接曝晒的地方,避免植物受到过度的热量或寒冷。

6. 定期修剪和护理:定期修剪柳树以保持其形状,并注意植物是否有任何疾病或虫害。保持环境清洁,并定期施肥以促进植物的健康生长。



Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad Huang Bailiu is to point to a kind of common miniascape plants, the following move can follow when consecrate:

1.Select proper recipient: Choose beautiful and appropriate flowerpot or container, had better be pottery and porcelain or china, in order to hold willow root system.

2.Prepare soil: Prepare proper soil for willow, had better choose the mixture soil with good drainage, in order to ensure plant can health grows.

3.Cultivate willow: Take out willow gently from inside original vessel, put its root system gently into new vessel. Fill soil, ensure root ministry is enclothed completely, pat solid soil gently in order to stabilize a plant.

4.Water: Give willow enough water, but do not let water flood a plant. Maintain soil wet, but do not make water accumulative be in bottom.

5.Set the position: Place willow in sunny but the place of not direct insolate, avoid a plant to get exceeding quantity of heat or chill.

6.Fixed clip and nurse: Fixed clip is willow in order to maintain its appearance, notice whether the plant has any diseases or insect pest. Maintain environmental cleanness, fertilize to grow in order to promote floral health regularly.

When consecrate is willow, miniascape can be put in a certain corner in the home, perhaps place according to individual be fond of and belief in specific place. When consecrate, can cherish devoir, the respect that expresses pair of nature and life and appreciate.
