1. **探索世界**:在游戏的各个地点,特别是在野外、洞穴、山谷等地方,你可以找到供奉。他们通常隐藏在各种环境中,需要你仔细搜索。
2. **任务奖励**:完成一些任务,特别是与世界任务或主线任务相关的,可能会获得供奉作为奖励。
3. **商店购买**:有时,一些商店可能会出售供奉,你可以用游戏内的货币购买。
4. **活动奖励**:参加游戏中的活动可能会有供奉作为奖励之一。
5. **祈愿抽取**:在祈愿系统中,有时你也可能会抽到供奉。
6. **交换物品**:有些 NPC 或活动可能会提供你与他们交换的机会,其中供奉可能是其中之一。
Be in " original spirit " in, you can pass the following means to come capture consecrate:
1.** explores world ** : In each places of game, especially the place such as outdoors, burrow, valley, you can find consecrate. They are concealed in all sorts of environments normally, need you to be searched carefully.
2.** task rewards ** : Finish a few jobs, especially related to world task or masterstroke task, may obtain consecrate to serve as award.
3.** shop buys ** : Sometimes, a few shops may sell consecrate, you can be bought with the money inside game.
4.** activity rewards ** : The activity in playing game may have consecrate to serve as one of award.
5.** is invocatory and draw-out ** : In invocatory system, sometimes you also may smoke consecrate.
6.** exchanges article ** : Some NPC or activity may offer you and the opportunity that they exchange, among them consecrate may be among them one of.
Remember, of consecrate get way may as game change with mobile change newlier, want so often advertent game is updated mediumly and announcement.