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1. **准备空间**:选择一个安静、清洁、私密的空间,确保你可以专注而不受打扰。

2. **准备供品**:元神的供品通常包括水、鲜花、香、果实等。你可以选择一些你觉得与你元神联系紧密的物品。

3. **准备心态**:清除杂念,专注于你的意图和目的。对你的元神充满敬意和感激之情。

4. **点燃香烛**:这是一个常见的供奉元神的方式。点燃一支香烛,代表你的虔诚和祈祷。

5. **说出祈愿**:用心灵沟通,表达你的愿望、感激和请求。可以是口头的,也可以是在心中默念。

6. **奉献供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在供台上,表示你的虔诚和敬意。

7. **静坐冥想**:闭上眼睛,沉浸在与元神的交流中。接受来自元神的启示和指导。

8. **结束仪式**:感谢你的元神的存在和指引。熄灭香烛,收起供品,结束仪式。



Yuan the practice that the god is a kind of special personification, the means of consecrate is met because of the person different. It is a few fast consecrate below yuan magical common step:

1.** prepares dimensional ** : Choose the space with a quiet, cleanness, close illicit, ensure you are OK and dedicated and do not suffer disturb.

2.** prepares offerings ** : Yuan magical offerings includes water, flower, sweet, fructification to wait normally. You can choose a few you feel with you the article with yuan of god close connection.

3.** prepares ** of state of mind: Cleared distracting thoughts, dedicated the intent at you and purpose. Be full of devoir and appreciative sentiment to yuan of your god.

4.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: This is a common consecrate yuan magical means. Ignite a joss sticks and candles, mix piously on behalf of yours pray.

5.** speaks invocatory ** : Use the heart to communicate, the desire that expresses you, appreciate and request. Can be oral, also can be in the heart silent reads aloud.

6.** of ** consecratory offerings: Put ready offerings going up for the stage, those who express you is devotional with devoir.

7.** sit quietly is contemplative ** : Close an eye, be enmeshed in with yuan in magical communication. Accept the enlightenment that comes from yuan of god and guidance.

8.** ends ceremonial ** : Yuan of magical existence that appreciates you and how-to. Extinguish joss sticks and candles, pack up offerings, end a ceremony.

This is a simple guideline only, you can need to adjust ceremonial detail with belief according to your. Remember, consecrate yuan the god is a kind of individual experience, the most important is to send from the heart mix piously devoir.
