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1. 设置祭坛:选择一个安静整洁的地方,摆放一张桌子或祭台作为祭坛。在祭坛上放上一张纯净的桌布或纸,以示尊敬。

2. 准备祭品:常见的祭品包括水果、茶叶、米饭、酒、糖果等。根据家族传统或个人喜好选择祭品。

3. 安放祭品:将准备好的祭品摆放在祭坛上,可以用盘子或碗将其整齐摆放。

4. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,表示对祖先的敬意和尊重。可以选择龙眼香、檀香等。

5. 祷告敬拜:站在祭坛前,合十祷告,表达对祖先的敬意和祝福。可以说一些祈祷词或默念心中的祝福。

6. 祭奠仪式:倒一些酒在杯中,向祖先敬酒,然后轻轻地将酒洒在祭坛上或地上,表示祭奠。

7. 虔诚敬香:将点燃的香烛插在香炉中,向祖先献上虔诚的敬香。

8. 感恩告别:祭祀完毕后,表示感恩,并告诉祖先你们的心愿和希望。然后轻轻地熄灭香烛,结束祭祀。



In ancestor of the consecrate in the home the culture that is a tradition is consuetudinary, it is a few basic measure below:

1.Install altar: Choose a quiet and neat place, put a piece of table or stage of hold a memorial ceremony for to serve as altar. On one piece of pure antependium or paper are put on altar, in order to show respect.

2.Plan sacrificial offerings: Common oblation includes fruit, tea, rice, wine, candy to wait. Choose oblation according to familial tradition or individual be fond of.

3.Put oblation: Put ready oblation go up in altar, can use dish or bowl general its are orderly put.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, show the devoir to the ancestor and respect. Can choose longan sweet, the pride of China.

5.Devotional Jing Bai: Stand before altar, prayer of put the palms together, convey the devoir to the ancestor and blessing. Can say a few pray word or silent read aloud the blessing in the heart.

6.Ceremony of hold a memorial ceremony for: Pour a few wine to be in the cup, xiang Zuxian proposes a toast, spill wine gently on altar next or on the ground, express hold a memorial ceremony for.

7.Devotional Jing Xiang: Insert ignition joss sticks and candles in censer, xiang Zuxian is displayed on devotional Jing Xiang.

8.Be thankful leave: Sacred after ending, express to be thankful, tell an ancestor your wish and hope. Extinguish joss sticks and candles gently next, the end is sacred.

These measure can undertake adjustment according to individual or familial habit, important is with treating an ancestor earnestly and sincerely, convey the respect to them and yearning.
