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1. **清洁净化**:在供奉之前,要先清洁项链并净化其能量。可以用清水冲洗,或者在阳光下暴晒一段时间,也可以在白色蜡烛上熏香净化。

2. **心诚供奉**:在供奉菩萨项链时,要心存敬意和虔诚。可以默念经文、祈祷或者表达自己的愿望和感恩之情。

3. **安放位置**:选择一个清净的地方供奉,可以是佛龛、供桌或者个人的神龛。最好避免将菩萨项链放在不洁净的地方。

4. **供品**:可以配合供奉菩萨项链的仪式,准备一些供品,如水果、鲜花、香烛等,表达对菩萨的尊敬和感恩之情。

5. **定期祭拜**:定期给菩萨项链进行祭拜,可以是每天、每周或者每月,根据个人的信仰和时间安排。



Consecrate Bodhisattva necklace needs to undertake according to the individual's belief and tradition normally. Generally speaking, it is a few common practices below:

1.** cleanness purifies ** : Before consecrate, necklace of Yao Xianqing clean purifies its energy. Can rinse with clear water, perhaps insolate for some time below sunshine, also can fume on white candle sweet purify.

2.** heart sincere consecrate ** : When consecrate Bodhisattva necklace, want a heart to put devoir and devotional. Can the article of silent recite scriptures, desire that pray or expresses oneself and the affection that be thankful.

3.** puts positional ** : Choose a kosher local consecrate, can be niche for a statue of Buddha, altar or the individual's shrine. Had better avoid to put Bodhisattva necklace in not clean place.

4.** offerings ** : Can cooperate the ceremony of consecrate Bodhisattva necklace, plan a few offerings, wait like fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, express the respect to Bodhisattva and the feeling that be thankful.

5.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : Undertake to Bodhisattva necklace hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to regularly, can be everyday, every week or every months, according to the individual's belief and timeline.

As a whole, consecrate Bodhisattva necklace is the means of a kind of respect that expresses pair of belief and the affection that be thankful, important is the heart is put mix piously sincerity.

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