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1. 准备供品:准备一些供品,如鲜花、水果、糖果、香等,用来表示虔诚和敬意。

2. 准备清净:在供奉之前,先用清水洗净双手,并净心静思,使自己处于安静、平和的心境。

3. 点香上供:先点香,表示虔诚地邀请佛菩萨的到来,然后将供品摆放在供桌上。

4. 诵经礼拜:可以诵读经文或念佛号,以表达对佛菩萨的敬意和感恩之情。

5. 心诚供奉:将唐卡双面摆放在供桌上,可以轻轻地合十、顶礼,表示虔诚的供奉。

6. 祈愿祈福:在供奉过程中,可以向佛菩萨祈愿,祈求健康、平安、幸福等。

7. 感恩闭关:供奉结束后,表达感恩之情,闭目默念或诵读感恩的话语,然后将供品适当地处理。



Tang Ka is double-faced when consecrate, can choose a proper place, be like family hall for worshipping Buddha or altar, ensure its position safety is firm. When consecrate, can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Plan offerings: Plan a few offerings, be like flower, fruit, candied, sweet etc, with will express to be mixed piously devoir.

2.Preparation is kosher: Before consecrate, wash clean both hands with clear water first, clean calm is thought of, make oneself are in quiet, gentle mood.

3.The dot is sweet offer up a sacrifice: Nod first sweet, express to invite the arrival of Buddha Bodhisattva piously, put offerings next go up in altar.

4.Song classics religious service: Can chant lection or date of pray to Buddha, in order to express the devoir of pair of Buddha Bodhisattva and the feeling that be thankful.

5.Heart sincere consecrate: Tang Ka double-faced put go up in altar, can ceremony of gently put the palms together, top, express religious enshrine and worship.

6.Invocatory pray blessing: In consecrate process, can to Buddha Bodhisattva invocatory, wait invocatory health, in safety, happily.

7.Be thankful shut close: After consecrate ends, express the feeling that be thankful, shut the speech that eye silent reads aloud or chant is thankful, be located in offerings manage appropriately next.

Above is general Tang Ka the measure of double-faced consecrate, can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to individual belief and habit.
