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1. 准备供品:供奉灶神时,可以准备一些饭、水果、甜点等食物,以及一些鲜花或香烛。

2. 洁净空间:在供奉之前,清洁供奉的地方,确保环境整洁干净。

3. 安置神像:将灶神的神像摆放在供奉的地方,可以选择一个安静、明亮的位置。

4. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,向灶神致敬,表达虔诚的心意。

5. 祈祷致敬:在心中默默祈祷,向灶神表达感谢之情,祈求家庭平安、幸福。

6. 献上供品:将准备好的食物、水果等摆放在灶神前,表示尊敬和供养。

7. 祈求保佑:诚心祈求灶神保佑家人健康、平安,祈求家庭生活幸福顺利。

8. 定期供奉:最好每个月或每隔一段时间就供奉一次灶神,以示敬意和感恩之心。



Consecrate kitchen god can undertake according to traditional pattern, include the following measure commonly:

1.Plan offerings: When consecrate kitchen god, can prepare the food such as a few meals, fruit, desert, and a few flowers or joss sticks and candles.

2.Between clean headroom: Before consecrate, the place of clean consecrate, ensure the environment is shipshape.

3.Find a place for God: Put the God of kitchen god the place in consecrate, can choose a quiet, bright place.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, to kitchen god greeting, express devotional intention.

5.Pray greeting: Pray silently in the heart, express the feeling of acknowledgment to kitchen god, invocatory family is restful, happy.

6.Display on offerings: Wait for ready food, fruit put before kitchen god, express to respect and make offerings to.

7.Invocatory bless: Sincere and invocatory kitchen god blesses family healthy, restful, invocatory domesticity happiness is successful.

8.Fixed consecrate: Best every month or every other period of time with respect to consecrate kitchen god, in order to show devoir and the heart that be thankful.

Above is the basic measure of general consecrate kitchen god, you can undertake adjust and expanding according to individual circumstance and belief.
