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Consecrate family hall for worshipping Buddha needs a few basic preparation and measure. Above all, you need to choose a place that suits consecrate, it is a kosher, quiet corner normally. Next, prepare stage of a consecrate or consecrate to wear, with will place figure of Buddha and offerings. Next, choose one honour appropriate figure of Buddha, can be Sakyamuni Buddha, avalokitesvara Bodhisattva or other your devotional Buddha Bodhisattva. When putting figure of Buddha, should face the front door of the room, and be put in the top part of consecrate stage. Besides figure of Buddha, you still can place censer, wait for offerings for the lamp, flower, fruit, tea. Time everyday on family hall for worshipping Buddha sweet, present a flower, and chant lection, with showing devoir is mixed devotional. The most important is, with devotional heart comes consecrate, be thankful, blessing of confess, pray, will foster quiet and genial fine of the heart with this.
