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1. **准备水晶**:选择合适的水晶供奉在寺庙中,通常会选择纯净、透明度高、没有瑕疵的水晶。

2. **清洁水晶**:在供奉之前,用清水轻轻洗净水晶,去除表面的尘土和杂质,保持水晶的清洁。

3. **祭拜**:在供奉水晶的时候,可以进行一些祭拜仪式,例如点香、敬奉供品、诵经等,以表达对水晶的尊敬和祈福之意。

4. **安放水晶**:将净化过的水晶放置在寺庙内合适的位置,通常是在供桌上、佛龛内或者其他特定的供奉处。

5. **保养**:定期清洁和保养供奉的水晶,确保它保持清洁和良好的状态,以示对信仰的尊重和敬意。



Consecrate crystal can be mixed according to different cloister traditional habit differs somewhat, but can undertake according to the following measure commonly:

1.** prepares crystal ** : Choose appropriate crystal consecrate to be in cloister, can choose pure, diaphaneity normally the tall, crystal that does not have a flaw.

2.** of ** clean crystal: Before consecrate, with clear water gently abluent crystal, the dust of purify surface and impurity, maintain crystal cleanness.

3.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : When consecrate is crystal, can undertake a few hold a memorial ceremony for do obeisance to a ceremony, nod classics of offerings of sweet, piously worship, Song to wait for example, in order to express the desire of pair of crystal respect and pray blessing.

4.** puts crystal ** : Place has purified crystal proper inside cloister place, it is to be on altar normally, the other perhaps and specific consecrate place inside niche for a statue of Buddha.

5.** maintains ** : Fixed cleanness and maintain the crystal of consecrate, ensure it holds cleanness and good position, in order to show pair of devotional esteem and respect.

The means of consecrate crystal may be mixed because of belief of area, religion of cloister different and somewhat difference, before had better undertaking consecrate so, understanding understands local tradition and rule.
