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1. 找一个干净整洁的地方,最好是靠墙摆放。
2. 准备一个小的供桌或者供台,放置佛像。如果没有供桌,也可以用一个干净的台布或者毯子代替。
3. 在供桌上或者佛像前摆放一些鲜花、水果、香烛等供品。这些供品可以根据个人喜好选择,最重要的是心诚。
4. 每天定时给佛像上香、换水果、换花,表示虔诚地供养。
5. 在供桌旁边放上一张经书或者经文,可以每天诵读一段,以增加心灵的宁静和虔诚。



The figure of Buddha in simple consecrate home can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Look for a clean and neat place, had better be to rely on a wall to put.
2.Prepare a little credence to perhaps offer a desk, place figure of Buddha. If do not have altar, also can use a clean tablecloth or the rug is replaced.
3.Go up in altar or the offerings such as a few flowers, fruit, joss sticks and candles is put before figure of Buddha. These offerings can choose according to individual be fond of, the most important is a heart sincere.
4.Time everyday on figure of Buddha sweet, change a fruit, change a flower, express to make offerings to piously.
5.On one piece of Confusion classics is put by altar or lection, can everyday chant a paragraph, with raising the spirit halcyon and devotional.

These measure are OK and simple and the figure of Buddha in deferential consecrate home, but more important is a heart sincere.
