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1. 首先,你需要在游戏中找到神父NPC。他通常会在游戏中的某个特定地点,比如在清真寺附近等待。

2. 与神父对话,并选择与他对话的选项。这通常会触发一系列对话选项,其中会包含关于供奉的信息。

3. 在对话中,你会被要求选择是否要供奉一些特定的物品给神父。这些物品可能是游戏中的特定道具或者其他物品。

4. 选择供奉的物品,并按照游戏指示完成对话。

5. 一旦你完成了供奉,神父可能会给予你某种奖励或者解锁新的对话选项。



In game " wolf: The shadow passes 2 degrees " in, want consecrate Abba to need to undertake according to the following measure:

1.Above all, you need to find Abba NPC in game. He can be in a certain specific ground in game to nod normally, await around mosque for instance.

2.Speak with Abba, choose the option that speaks with him. This can spark normally a series of dialog option, can contain the information about consecrate among them.

3.In the dialog, you can be chosen to whether want consecrate by the requirement a few specific article give father. These article may be the specific prop in game other perhaps goods.

4.Choose the goods of consecrate, indicate the dialog that finish according to game.

5.Once you finished consecrate, abba may give you to some kind is rewarded or see the conversational option with new lock.

Remember, the different time in game is nodded, you may encounter different Abba to perhaps need the goods with different consecrate, should maintain observation so and speak with NPC at any time.
