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1. 祭拜:每天或每周定期祭拜佛像,向佛菩萨祈求保佑、健康和幸福。你可以燃香、敬献花果、虔诚地祈祷。

2. 念经:可以在佛像前默诵经文或者念诵佛经,以表达对佛菩萨的尊敬和信仰。

3. 做功德:在佛像前做功德,比如布施、诵经、念佛、打坐等修行,以积累善业福报。

4. 保持清净:保持佛像所在的环境清洁整洁,这是对佛菩萨的一种尊重。

5. 学习佛法:通过学习佛教经典和教义,不断提升自己的智慧和修行。



The consecrate that faces figure of Buddha has a lot of kind, can select right kind according to your belief and preference. A few familiar consecrate pattern include:

1.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: Everyday or weekly and fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to figure of Buddha, petition to Buddha Bodhisattva bless, health and happiness. You can light sweet, Jing Xianhua fruit, pray piously.

2.Recite scriptures: Lection can be read silently to perhaps recite sutra before figure of Buddha, in order to express the respect of pair of Buddha Bodhisattva and belief.

3.Do works: Works is done before figure of Buddha, for instance the cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine such as classics of alms giving, Song, pray to Buddha, sit in meditation, in order to accumulate newspaper of good fortune of industry of be apt to.

4.Keep kosher: The environmental cleanness that holds seat of figure of Buddha is neat, this is a kind of esteem of pair of Buddha Bodhisattva.

5.Learn power of Buddha: Through learning buddhism classical with doctrine, promote oneself wisdom and cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine ceaselessly.

No matter choose figure of Buddha of consecrate of which kinds of means, the most important is a heart sincere, handle this process sincerely.
