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1. 选择一个安静清净的地方,最好是书房或学习区域,确保不受干扰。
2. 准备一个文昌塔,可以是由木质或者金属制成的塔形物品,也可以是印有文昌帝君像的图片或画作。
3. 在文昌塔前摆放一张红色或金色的布,以示尊重。
4. 在供奉文昌塔之前,可以先点香,用清香的气味来净化空间。
5. 将文昌塔放置在布上,并点燃香烛,向文昌帝君祈求学业进步和智慧。
6. 可以在每天或每周固定的时间向文昌塔祈祷,表达对学业和知识的渴望和尊敬。
7. 定期更换香烛,保持供奉的干净整洁。



Tower of consecrate article prosperous can follow the following move:

1.Choose a quiet and kosher place, had better be study or study section, ensure do not suffer interference.
2.Prepare a Wen Changda, can be by woodiness or the tower form goods that the metal makes, also can be the picture that gentleman of emperor of Yin Youwen prosperous resembles or picture are made.
3.A piece of red or aureate cloth are put before Wen Changda, in order to show respect.
4.Before tower of consecrate article prosperous, can nod first sweet, the scent that uses faint scent will purify a space.
5.Place Wen Changda go up in cloth, ignite joss sticks and candles, to Mr Wen Changdi invocatory school work progresses and wisdom.
6.Can be in everyday or the time that secures every week prays to Wen Changda, express the longing of pair of school work and knowledge and respect.
7.Change regularly joss sticks and candles, those who maintain consecrate is clean and neat.

These are the methods of tower of general and common consecrate article prosperous, you can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to the individual's be fond of and belief.
