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1. **清洁神位**:保持神位的清洁是最基本的。定期擦拭神位,确保它们没有灰尘或污垢。

2. **摆放位置**:选择一个安静、整洁的地方摆放神位,最好是离开厕所远一些,以示尊重。

3. **祭品供奉**:每天或每周供奉神明,可以是水果、茶、米饭、香烛等。选择供奉品时,可以根据你所信仰的神灵和传统来决定。

4. **虔诚祈祷**:在供奉的时候,心存敬意,虔诚地祈祷。表达感恩之情,并祈求神灵的保佑和指引。

5. **保持尊敬**:供奉神明时,要保持端庄、恭敬的态度,不要有不敬之心。

6. **定期更换供品**:要定期更换供奉的食品和物品,确保它们的新鲜和清洁。

7. **参与仪式**:根据你的信仰,参与相应的仪式和庆典,以表达对神灵的敬意和信仰。



God consecrate is an important thing in the home, this need is finished with sincere desire and devoir. It is a few proposals below:

1.** cleanness is magical a ** : Maintain a spirit cleanness is the basiccest. Wipe a god regularly, ensure they do not have dirt or bilge.

2.** puts positional ** : Choose a quiet, neat place to put a mind, had better be to leave a toilet a few further, in order to show respect.

3.** oblation consecrate ** : Everyday or weekly consecrate deities, can be fruit, tea, rice, joss sticks and candles. When choice consecrate is tasted, can mix according to the deities of your place belief the tradition will decide.

4.** prays piously ** : In consecrate when, the heart retains respect, pray piously. Express the feeling that be thankful, of invocatory deities bless and how-to.

5.** maintains respectable ** : When consecrate deities, should keep dignified, deferential manner, do not have irreverent heart.

6.** changes regularly offerings ** : Should change regularly the food of consecrate and article, ensure their fresh with cleanness.

7.** participates in ceremonial ** : According to your belief, participate in corresponding ceremony and celebration, in order to express the devoir to deities and belief.

Above is a few basic consecrate gods method, but particular consecrate kind may be mixed because of individual belief traditional and differ somewhat.
