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1. **设立神龛或祭坛:** 在家中选择一个清净、安静的地方,摆放一张小桌子或架子作为神龛或祭坛。在上面摆放佛像或祖师的画像,并在旁边摆放香炉、香烛、水果、花等供品。

2. **定期供奉:** 每天或每周定时进行供奉,比如早晨或晚上。点燃香烛,敬献水果、茶水或其他食物,并诚心祈祷。

3. **诵经礼佛:** 在供奉时,可以诵读经文或念佛号,以表达敬意和虔诚。

4. **心诚则灵:** 最重要的是虔诚和诚心,不在乎供品的价值大小,而是用一颗虔诚的心来供奉。

5. **保持清洁:** 保持神龛或祭坛的清洁整洁,定期清理灰尘,并及时更换供品,以示尊敬和敬意。



Buddha of consecrate the founder of a school of learning has a few kinds of kind normally. You can choose a kind of pattern that fits your family:

1.** establishs shrine or altar: ** chooses a kosher, quiet place in the home, put a piece of small table or frame to serve as shrine or altar. Above the picture that puts figure of Buddha or the founder of a school of learning, put the offerings such as censer, joss sticks and candles, fruit, flower by.

2.** fixed consecrate: ** everyday or time every week undertake consecrate, for instance morning or in the evening. Ignite joss sticks and candles, jing Xianshui fruit, boiled water or other edibles, pray in earnest.

3.Buddha of ceremony of ** Song classics: ** is when consecrate, can chant lection or date of pray to Buddha, with expression devoir is mixed devotional.

4.** heart sincere clever: ** is the most important is devotional with sincere desire, do not care about the value size of offerings, come with a devotional heart however consecrate.

5.** keeps clean: The cleanness that ** maintains shrine or altar is neat, clear regularly dirt, change in time offerings, in order to show respect and respect.

The choice fits the pattern of him family belief and habit, keep devotional with sincere desire, bless with respect to what can experience Buddha of the founder of a school of learning and bless.
