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1. 摆放观音像:在寺庙或家中适当的地方摆放观音像,最好选择观音菩萨的像,可以是石雕、木雕或者其他材质的。观音像应该放在整洁清净的地方,避免与垃圾或不洁之物相邻。

2. 祭拜供奉:每天或者适当的时间,可以用香烛、水果、鲜花等物品祭拜供奉观音。在供奉时,可以虔诚地念诵观音经文或者自己的祈愿,表达对观音的敬意和信仰。

3. 心诚礼佛:供奉观音不仅仅是形式上的行为,更重要的是内心的虔诚和诚信。无论是供奉观音还是念诵经文,都应该心存敬意和信念。

4. 行善积德:观音菩萨慈悲为怀,善待众生。在日常生活中,可以通过行善积德、帮助他人、关爱动物等方式来践行观音菩萨的慈悲精神,以此来供养观音。



Consecrate avalokitesvara can carry the following kind:

1.Put avalokitesvara resembling: Proper in cloister or home place puts avalokitesvara resembling, of Bodhisattva of best choice avalokitesvara picture, can be stone carving, woodcarving other perhaps material is qualitative. Avalokitesvara resembles should be being put in neat and kosher place, avoid with rubbish or feculent substance appearance adjacent.

2.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to consecrate: Everyday appropriate perhaps time, can do obeisance to consecrate avalokitesvara with the article hold a memorial ceremony for such as joss sticks and candles, fruit, flower. When consecrate, can recite avalokitesvara lection piously or oneself invocatory, express the devoir to avalokitesvara and belief.

3.Heart sincere ceremony Buddha: Consecrate avalokitesvara is the behavior of formally not just, more important is a heart is devotional with sincere letter. No matter be consecrate avalokitesvara,still recite lection, should the heart puts devoir and faith.

4.Accumulate virtue of do good works: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is lenient, be kind to all living creatures. In daily life, can wait for means to come through animal of other of accumulate virtue of do good works, help, care the compassionate spirit of Bodhisattva of avalokitesvara of carry out travel, will make offerings to with this avalokitesvara.

Above is a few familiar pattern of consecrate avalokitesvara, but the most important is sincerely religious belief, go attentively consecrate avalokitesvara, ability gets its are added hold with bless.
