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1. **准备清洁的空间**:选择一个安静、整洁的地方供奉佛像,可以使用一张干净的桌布或者布艺来铺设,确保场地整洁清爽。

2. **选择适当的位置**:在居家中选一个高处或者尊贵的位置供奉佛像,以示尊重。

3. **安放佛像**:把金刚菩萨佛像小心地放在供奉的位置上,确保佛像面向正前方,这是为了象征着佛陀的指引和庇佑。

4. **点燃香烛**:在佛像前点燃香烛,这象征着虔诚和敬意。在点燃香烛之前,可以先洗净双手,并念诵虔诚的心经或者祈祷文。

5. **供奉鲜花和水果**:在供桌上摆放一些鲜花和水果作为供品,表示对佛陀的敬意和感恩之情。

6. **诵经念佛**:在供奉的时候,可以诵读佛经或者念诵佛号,表达对佛陀的信仰和感恩。

7. **保持清洁和敬意**:定期清洁佛像及其周围的供奉区域,保持整洁和敬意,是对佛陀最好的供养之一。



Figure of Buddha of Bodhisattva of consecrate King Kong has a lot of kind, follow the following move normally:

1.** prepares clean dimensional ** : Choose a quiet, neat local consecrate figure of Buddha, can use a piece of clean antependium or cloth art comes laid, ensure field is neat and relaxed.

2.** chooses proper positional ** : The positional consecrate figure of Buddha with an exalted perhaps altitude is chosen in Ju Jiazhong, in order to show respect.

3.** puts ** of figure of Buddha: Put figure of Buddha of King Kong Bodhisattva carefully in consecrate locally, ensure figure of Buddha is faced ahead, this is for indicative Buddha how-to and bless.

4.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited before figure of Buddha, this is symbolizing mix piously devoir. Before igniting joss sticks and candles, can first abluent both hands, recite devotional heart classics to perhaps pray civil.

5.** consecrate flower and fruit ** : A few flowers and fruit are put to serve as offerings on altar, express the devoir to Buddha and the feeling that be thankful.

6.** of pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: In consecrate when, can chant sutra perhaps recites Buddha number, the belief that expresses pair of Buddha and be thankful.

7.** maintains cleanness and devoir ** : Fixed and clean figure of Buddha reachs the consecrate area all round its, keep neat with devoir, it is best to Buddha make offerings to one of.

Above is the groovy means of figure of Buddha of Bodhisattva of general consecrate King Kong, but the most important is a heart sincere and devotional, this ability is true consecrate.

