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1. **准备新的佛像**:选择一尊新的佛像,确保它符合你的信仰和尊敬。

2. **清理旧的佛像**:轻轻地用柔软的布或海绵清洁旧的佛像,以去除灰尘和污垢。务必轻柔操作,避免损坏佛像表面。

3. **移除旧的佛像**:在移除旧佛像时,要非常小心。你可以在心中默念虔诚的祈祷或念诵经文,以示敬意。

4. **安置新的佛像**:将新的佛像小心地放置在供奉的位置上,可以使用一块干净的布或垫子来保护佛像底座。

5. **祈祷和感恩**:在安置新佛像后,可以献上虔诚的祈祷或感恩之词,表达你的敬意和信仰。



Change the figure of Buddha of the consecrate in the home needs careful processing, stem from esteem and devotional consideration especially. Above all, you can undertake according to the following measure:

1.** prepares ** of new figure of Buddha: Choose one honour new figure of Buddha, ensure it accords with your belief and respect.

2.** clears ** of old figure of Buddha: Use the figure of Buddha with soft cloth or sponge old cleanness gently, with purify dirt and bilge. Be sure to gentle operation, avoid appearance of attaint figure of Buddha.

3.** moves except ** of old figure of Buddha: In move when dividing old figure of Buddha, want special caution. You can read aloud devotional prayer in the silent in the heart or recite lection, in order to show respect.

4.** finds a place for ** of new figure of Buddha: Will new figure of Buddha is placed carefully in consecrate locally, can use a clean cloth or cushion to protect base of figure of Buddha.

5.** prays and be thankful ** : Finding a place for after new figure of Buddha, can display on devotional prayer or the word that be thankful, express your devoir and belief.

Remember, change figure of Buddha is a kind of ceremony, need intention and treat piously. In unit process of cargo bandling, the calm that maintains a heart and dedicated, in order to show esteem and respect.
