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1. 准备神像:首先,确保你有一个要供奉的鲜花神像。这个神像可以是你信仰的神灵的形象或者任何你感到敬意的对象。

2. 准备鲜花:选择新鲜的鲜花来供奉神像。可以选择那些你认为对神灵或者对象有特殊意义的花朵。确保花朵的状况良好,没有枯萎或者损坏。

3. 准备祭坛或者供桌:在一个安静的地方设置一个祭坛或者供桌,用来放置神像和鲜花。可以在祭坛上放一块干净的布或者纸,以保持整洁。

4. 摆放神像:将神像放置在祭坛或者供桌上,可以使用一些小的支撑物来使神像保持稳定。

5. 摆放鲜花:将准备好的鲜花摆放在神像的周围或者前面,可以根据个人喜好来设计花束的样式。

6. 点燃蜡烛(可选):如果你愿意,可以点燃蜡烛来增加仪式的庄重感和神圣感。

7. 祈祷或者献上心意:在供奉完鲜花后,可以默默祈祷或者表达对神灵或者对象的敬意和感激之情。

8. 维护供奉:定期更换鲜花,并保持祭坛或者供桌的清洁,以保持供奉的庄严和神圣感。



Consecrate flower God can undertake through the following measure:

1.Prepare God: Above all, ensure you have a flower statue of a god that wants consecrate. The figure that this God can be your devotional deities or any objects that you feel devoir.

2.Prepare a flower: The flower with new option comes consecrate God. Can choose those you think to be opposite deities or the flower that the object has special sense. Ensure the in order of flower, perhaps damage without wither.

3.Prepare altar or altar: Quiet in place installs an altar or altar, with will place God and flower. A clean cloth can be put on altar or paper, in order to keep neat.

4.Put God: Place God in altar or on altar, can use a few little support to make God keeps stable.

5.Put a flower: Put ready flower in God all round or in front, can design the form of bouquet according to individual be fond of.

6.Ignite the candle (optional) : If you are willing, can ignite the candle to add grave feeling of the ceremony and divine touch.

7.Pray or display on intention: Be over in consecrate after the flower, can pray silently or convey pair of deities or the devoir of the object and appreciative sentiment.

8.Safeguard consecrate: Change regularly flower, maintain altar or the cleanness of altar, with maintaining consecrate majestic with divine feeling.

Above is the measure of God of general consecrate flower, you can undertake adjustment according to the individual's belief and be fond of.
