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1. **选择合适的位置**:选择一个安静、清洁、通风良好的地方,最好是离门口远一点,避免烟雾直接飘出去。

2. **选择合适的香炉**:可以选择瓷器、铜器或者其他材质的香炉,根据自己的喜好和家庭装修风格选择。

3. **准备香炭或者香灰**:用来点燃的香炭或者香灰是必备的,可在香炉中铺上一层。

4. **供奉香品**:选择自己喜欢的香品,比如檀香、沉香等,然后将香品放在香炭或者香灰上。

5. **定期清洁**:定期清理香炉,清除残留的香灰和烟灰,保持香炉的干净整洁。

6. **尊重和敬畏**:供奉香炉是一种信仰和文化传统,使用时应心怀敬畏和尊重。



Consecrate censer is tradition of a kind of culture, use at expressing respect and respect normally. It is a few proposals below:

1.** chooses appropriate positional ** : Choose a quiet, cleanness, drafty place, had better be a bit further from the doorway, avoid aerosol to wave directly.

2.** chooses appropriate censer ** : Can choose china, bronze ware the censer with other perhaps qualitative material, decorate style choice according to his be fond of and family.

3.** preparation sweet charcoal is sweet perhaps grey ** : With the sweet charcoal that will ignite sweet perhaps ash is necessary, on one can be spread in censer.

4.** consecrate is sweet taste ** : What him choice likes is sweet article, for instance white sandalwood, agalloch eaglewood, next will sweet article put in sweet charcoal on sweet perhaps ash.

5.** of ** fixed cleanness: Clear regularly censer, the sweet ash of cleared remain and cigarette ash, those who maintain censer is clean and neat.

6.** esteem and awe-stricken ** : Consecrate censer is a kind of belief and culture tradition, cherish answers when using awe-stricken with esteem.

Remember, consecrate censer is a kind of individual belief is mixed consuetudinary, can undertake adjust and be changinged according to oneself be fond of and domestic tradition.
