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1. 准备一个清洁的供桌,放置关帝像或画像于供桌上,最好选择关帝神像或神画,代表关帝的形象。
2. 在供桌上摆放香烛、鲜花、水果等供品,表示虔诚的供奉。
3. 在开光仪式开始前,可以先用清水将关帝像或画像擦拭干净,以示尊敬。
4. 点燃香烛,献上虔诚的祈祷,向关帝祈求保佑和庇护。
5. 可以念诵关帝的经文或诵经,以增加开光的庄严氛围。
6. 在仪式结束后,可以将供品分食,表示与神明的共享。



Want smooth consecrate to close the Supreme Being, need to prepare a few necessary article and data above all, include to close resembling of the Supreme Being or picture, joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit to wait. Next, can choose a lucky time, if the traditional Chinese calendar undertakes when auspicious,open smooth ceremony.

1.Prepare a clean altar, place close resembling of the Supreme Being or picture to go up at altar, best choice closes God of the Supreme Being or divine picture, the delegate involves the form of the Supreme Being.
2.The offerings such as joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit is put on altar, express religious enshrine and worship.
3.Before ceremony opening light begins, can close resembling of the Supreme Being or picture to be wiped clean with clear water general first, in order to show respect.
4.Ignite joss sticks and candles, display on devotional prayer, beg to Guan Diqi bless and shelter.
5.Can recite the lection that closes the Supreme Being or Song classics, in order to add a smooth majestic atmosphere.
6.After the ceremony ends, can eat offerings cent, express with deities share.

Remember maintaining in the ceremony devoir and devotional, wish to Guan Diqi attentively, believe he can bless you.
