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1. **清洁与保养**:定期清洁佛像,保持其干净整洁。使用柔软的布轻轻擦拭,避免使用化学清洁剂,以免损坏表面。

2. **合适的摆放位置**:将佛像摆放在庙堂中心或者高处,使其能够被信徒们轻松看到。同时避免让佛像暴露在阳光直射或者潮湿的环境中。

3. **合适的背景与装饰**:在佛像周围营造舒适的氛围,可以选择一些符合佛教文化的装饰,比如鲜花、烛台、经文等,但不要过于繁琐,以免影响佛像的净化气场。

4. **适当的照明**:利用柔和的照明来烘托佛像的神圣氛围,可以选择柔和的灯光或者蜡烛,避免使用刺眼的强光。

5. **恰当的供品**:根据信仰和传统,摆放适当的供品,比如水果、香炉、鲜花等,但要注意不要摆放易腐烂或者不卫生的物品。



You can consider the following to make the consecrate of figure of Buddha in temple more good-looking:

1.** cleanness and maintain ** : Fixed and clean figure of Buddha, maintain its clean and neat. Use soft cloth to be wiped gently, avoid to use chemical cleaner, lest damage the surface.

2.** puts positional ** suitably: Put figure of Buddha in temple hall center or altitude, make its can by believer people see easily. Avoid to let figure of Buddha expose at the same time in sunshine point-blank in damp perhaps environment.

3.The setting with appropriate ** and adornment ** : In comfortable atmosphere is built all round figure of Buddha, can choose a few adornment that accord with Buddhist culture, for instance flower, candlestick, lection, but not too trival, lest affect figure of Buddha purify gas field.

4.The illume ** with proper ** : Use downy illume to come the divine atmosphere of foil figure of Buddha, can choose downy light or the candle, avoid to use the strong light of dazzling.

5.The offerings ** with appropriate ** : According to belief and tradition, put proper offerings, for instance fruit, censer, flower, but should notice not to put easy decay or epinosic article.

Adopt above method, can make the consecrate of figure of Buddha in temple more beautiful, majestic, also can attract believer to come round to respect popular religious service more.
