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1. **购买香烛:** 首先,你需要购买香烛供奉。一般来说,寺庙附近或者一些专门的店铺会有出售。选择品质好、清洁无杂质的香烛。

2. **准备供品:** 除了香烛外,你还可以准备一些供品,如水果、花朵、糖果等。这些供品代表着虔诚和诚意。

3. **进入寺庙:** 带着香烛和供品,进入寺庙。在进入寺庙之前,最好先了解一下寺庙的规矩和规定,以免冒犯。

4. **找到供奉处:** 在寺庙内,会有专门的供奉处。这些地方通常有香炉和供桌。将你的香烛和供品放在供桌上。

5. **点燃香烛:** 将香烛点燃,表达你的虔诚和祈愿。在点燃香烛之前,可以合上双手,默念自己的祈愿或者愿望。

6. **磕头礼拜:** 在供奉完毕后,你可以向佛像或者神像行三鞠躬的礼节,表达敬意和虔诚。

7. **祈祷祈愿:** 在磕头礼拜后,你可以默默地或者大声地表达自己的祈祷和祈愿,请求神灵保佑自己和家人。

8. **感恩离开:** 在完成祈福后,你可以表示感谢,然后离开供奉处。记得尊重寺庙的规矩,不要大声喧哗或者有损寺庙的形象。



The consecrate of burning incense of cloister pray blessing has particular move normally:

1.** buys joss sticks and candles: ** above all, you need to buy consecrate of joss sticks and candles. Generally speaking, near cloister or a few special shop can have sell. Choice character is good, clean the joss sticks and candles that does not have foreign matter.

2.** plans offerings: ** besides joss sticks and candles, you still can plan a few offerings, wait like fruit, flower, candy. The delegate wears these offerings to be mixed piously sincerity.

3.** enters cloister: ** is bringing joss sticks and candles and offerings, enter cloister. Before entering cloister, had better understand the custom of cloister and provision first, lest affront.

4.** finds consecrate place: ** is inside cloister, can have special consecrate place. These places have censer and altar normally. Put your joss sticks and candles and offerings on altar.

5.** ignites joss sticks and candles: ** ignites joss sticks and candles, those who convey you is devotional and invocatory. Before igniting joss sticks and candles, can add up to both hands, what silent reads aloud him is invocatory or desire.

6.** kowtow chapel: ** ends in consecrate hind, you are OK to figure of Buddha or God goes 3 bow ceremony, expressive devoir and devotional.

7.** prays invocatory: ** is after kowtow chapel, you are OK silently loud perhaps the earth's surface amounts to him pray and invocatory, request deities blesses oneself and family.

8.** is thankful leave: After ** is finishing pray blessing, you can thanks, leave consecrate office next. Remember respecting the custom of cloister, do not make a racket or have the figure of caustic cloister.

These are usually the basic measure of consecrate burning incense, different area and different religion may somewhat difference, but integral technological process is roughly similar.
