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1. **清洁净化:** 首先要确保供奉的地方清洁整洁,可以先用清水清洗神龛或供奉的地方,然后再用一些清香的水或香料来净化空间。

2. **上香:** 每天或每周定期向龙头观音上香,表示尊敬和虔诚。可以选择一些清香的香,如檀香、沉香等。

3. **祈福礼拜:** 在供奉龙头观音的时候,可以默念或诵读一些经文,祈求龙头观音的庇佑和保佑。

4. **供奉鲜花和水果:** 可以在供奉的时候放上一些鲜花和水果,表示心诚意真,也可以供奉一些甘甜的水果,如苹果、梨子等,表示感恩和祈福。

5. **心诚礼佛:** 无论是供奉的时候还是日常生活中,都要保持一颗虔诚的心,虔诚地礼拜龙头观音,表达自己的敬意和信仰。



Consecrate bibcock avalokitesvara can choose the following way:

1.** cleanness purifies: ** should ensure the local cleanness of consecrate is neat above all, can scour the place of shrine or consecrate with clear water first, next the water of a few faint scent or flavor come to reoccupy purify a space.

2.On ** sweet: ** everyday or go up to bibcock avalokitesvara regularly every week sweet, state respect is mixed devotional. What can choose a few faint scent is sweet, wait like white sandalwood, agalloch eaglewood.

3.Chapel of ** pray blessing: ** is in consecrate bibcock avalokitesvara when, can silent reads aloud or chant a few lection, of invocatory bibcock avalokitesvara bless and bless.

4.** consecrate flower and fruit: ** can be in consecrate when put on a few flowers and fruit, state heart sincerity is true, OK also consecrate a few Gan Tian's fruits, wait like apple, pear, express to be thankful with pray blessing.

5.** heart sincere ceremony Buddha: No matter ** is consecrate when in daily still life, want to maintain a devotional heart, piously week bibcock avalokitesvara, express oneself devoir and belief.

Above is the familiar pattern of avalokitesvara of bibcock of a few consecrate, but the most important is to maintain a devotional heart, go with genuine belief consecrate bibcock avalokitesvara.
