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1. **选择神像**:根据寺庙的信仰和传统,选择适合供奉的神像或神位。

2. **准备祭品**:准备各种供奉神灵的祭品,如鲜花、水果、香烛、酒等。

3. **清洁神位**:在供奉之前,清洁神位和神像,以示尊重和礼节。

4. **安放神像**:将神像放置在寺庙内适当的位置,通常是在祭坛上或者特定的供奉台上。

5. **献供祭拜**:将准备好的祭品摆放在神位前,然后合掌虔诚地向神明祈祷或者唱诵经文。

6. **点燃香烛**:点燃香烛,烧香以示虔诚,并向神明献上祈福之意。

7. **祈祷**:在心中默念祈祷,表达自己的愿望和感恩之情。

8. **维护和保养**:定期清洁和保养神位和神像,以保持其神圣的氛围和尊严。



Cloister consecrate god means includes the following measure normally:

1.** chooses God ** : According to the belief of cloister and tradition, the God that chooses to suit consecrate or god.

2.** of ** preparation oblation: Plan the sacrificial offerings of all sorts of consecrate deities, wait like flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, wine.

3.** cleanness is magical a ** : Before consecrate, clean god with God, in order to show esteem and ceremony.

4.** puts God ** : Place God proper inside cloister place, it is to be in on altar on specific perhaps consecrate stage normally.

5.** displays do obeisance to ** for hold a memorial ceremony for: Put ready oblation in the god before, close to the palm prays to deities piously or sing Song lection next.

6.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, burn joss sticks in order to show devotional, display to deities on the meaning of pray blessing.

7.** prays ** : In the heart silent reads aloud pray, express oneself desire and the feeling that be thankful.

8.** safeguards and maintain ** : Fixed cleanness and ensure rest to attain mental tranquillity with God, in order to hold its divine atmosphere and honor.

These measure may be mixed because of religion of the area differ and change somewhat, but basic principle is esteem is mixed piously consecrate deities.
