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1. 准备祭坛:在清洁的地方设置一个祭坛或神台,可以使用鲜花、香炉、蜡烛等物品装饰。

2. 准备供品:准备一些食物、鲜花、水果、香烛等供品,以表示对神灵的尊敬和敬意。

3. 诚心祈祷:在供品摆放好后,闭目祷告或默念心中的祈祷,表达自己的虔诚和愿望。

4. 祭奠仪式:根据自己的信仰和习俗,可以进行一些祭奠仪式,比如燃香、点烛、敬酒等。

5. 表达感恩:在祭奠完毕后,表达对神灵的感恩之情,可以通过诵读经文、赞美歌曲等方式表达。



Holy chapter stone is by consecrate normally on temple or altar, the method of consecrate can be mixed according to the individual's belief consuetudinary and differ somewhat. Generally speaking, the process of stone of consecrate emperor chapter may include the following measure:

1.Prepare altar: An altar or divine stage are set in clean place, can use the article adornment such as flower, censer, candle.

2.Plan offerings: Plan the offerings such as a few food, flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, in order to show the respect to deities and respect.

3.Sincere desire prays: After offerings has been put, the prayer that close eye or silent read aloud the prayer in the heart, those who convey oneself is devotional with the desire.

4.Ceremony of hold a memorial ceremony for: The belief according to oneself and consuetudinary, can undertake ceremony of a few hold a memorial ceremony for, light sweet, dot for instance candle, propose a toast etc.

5.Expression is thankful: After hold a memorial ceremony for ends, express the be thankful feeling to deities, can wait for means to convey through chant lection, paean music.

As a whole, stone of consecrate emperor chapter is a kind of kind that expresses belief and respect, the key depends on be being mixed in earnest devotional.
