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1. **位置选择**:选择一个恰当的位置供奉神像,通常在房屋的主要房间或家庭成员经常出入的地方,如客厅或家庭祭祀室。确保神像位于高处,以示尊重。

2. **装饰环境**:在神像周围创造一个美观的环境。你可以使用花卉、香炉、蜡烛、以及其他装饰品来装饰神像的周围,但要确保这些装饰不会分散对神像的尊敬。

3. **清洁整理**:定期清洁和整理神像及其周围的装饰物。保持神像清洁和整洁可以让其更加庄严和神圣。

4. **灯光照明**:适当的照明可以提升神像的氛围。你可以考虑使用柔和的灯光照亮神像,但要确保不会过于刺眼或过于昏暗。

5. **衣饰选择**:根据神像的属性和意义选择适合的衣饰。你可以根据季节或节日更换神像的服装,以示尊重和庄严。



When God of consecrate hall mouth, you can consider the following to make its look more good-looking:

1.** position chooses ** : Choose an appropriate positional consecrate God, be in the place that the main room of the building or domestic member often come in and go out normally, if sitting room or family are sacred room. Ensure God is located in altitude, in order to show respect.

2.** decorates environmental ** : In a beautiful environment is created all round God. You can use flowers, censer, candle, will decorate God with etc adornment all round, but should ensure these adornment won't are opposite dispersedly the respect of God.

3.** cleanness arranges ** : Fixed cleanness and arrange God and the ornamental all round its. Maintain God it is neat and OK that cleanness is mixed make its more majestic mix divine.

4.** lamplight illuminates bright ** : Proper illume can promote the atmosphere of God. You can consider to use downy lamplight to take bright statue of a god, but should ensure won't too dazzling or too dim.

5.** garment acts the role of choice ** : The attribute according to God and the garment that the meaning chooses to suit are acted the role of. You can change according to season or festival the dress of God, be respected in order to show and majestic.

Carry the kind of above, you can make the consecrate of hall mouth God more beautiful and majestic.
