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1. **供奉物品:** 根据宗教信仰,供奉物品可以包括神像、圣像、经书、香炉、蜡烛等。这些物品应该摆放在供奉台的中央位置,以显示尊敬和虔诚。

2. **台面设计:** 供奉台的台面可以选择木质、石质或者玻璃等材质。可以考虑在台面上设置小抽屉或者柜子,用于存放供奉物品和祭品。

3. **灯光:** 为了营造庄严肃穆的氛围,可以在供奉台上方安装柔和的灯光,或者放置蜡烛。

4. **布置和装饰:** 可以根据个人喜好进行装饰,如鲜花、幔帐、壁画等。注意不要选择太过华丽或繁琐的装饰,以免分散供奉的注意力。

5. **位置选择:** 供奉台的位置最好选择在家中的安静处,远离厨房和卫生间等污秽之处,以示尊重。

6. **保持整洁:** 定期清洁供奉台及其周围的区域,保持整洁和神圣的氛围。



The design of domestic consecrate stage can be mixed according to religious belief of the individual individual be fond of will undertake. Generally speaking, consecrate stage includes the following essential factor normally:

1.** consecrate article: ** basis religion is devotional, consecrate article can include God, icon, Confusion classics, censer, candle to wait. These article should put the central position in consecrate stage, be respected in order to show and devotional.

2.** mesa designs: The mesa of ** consecrate stage can choose woodiness, stone pledges or the material such as glass pledges. Can consider to install small drawer on mesa or cabinet, use at depositing consecrate article and oblation.

3.** lamplight: ** fathers to build a place of business solemn and respectful atmosphere, downy lamplight can be installed in consecrate stage upper part, perhaps place the candle.

4.** decorates and decorate: ** can undertake decorating according to individual be fond of, wait like flower, curtain, mural. The attention does not choose too too luxuriant or trival adornment, lest disperse the attention of consecrate.

5.** position chooses: The position of ** consecrate stage had better choose the quiet place in the home, be far from the lousy place such as kitchen and toilet, in order to show respect.

6.** keeps neat: Stage of consecrate of ** fixed cleanness reachs the area all round its, keep neat with divine atmosphere.

The most important is, the design of consecrate stage should accord with the individual's belief and culture tradition, the calm that and can give a person brings a heart and quiet.
