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1. **准备祭坛或祭台:** 在一个安静的地方准备一个小型的祭坛或祭台,可以用布或纸装饰。确保这个地方是干净的,并且没有杂物。

2. **清洁和准备供品:** 在祭坛上放置一些洁净的水和食物作为供品,这可以是水或食物的象征物,也可以是实际的物品,如水和谷物等。

3. **祈祷和呼唤:** 在供奉开始之前,可以默念或大声祈祷,请求鹰之翼的保佑和指引。可以用个人的方式表达感恩和尊敬。

4. **献上供品:** 将供品轻轻放置在祭坛上,表示尊重和奉献。在献上供品时,可以重申自己的愿望和祈祷。

5. **感恩和结束:** 在供奉结束后,表达对鹰之翼的感恩,并宣布仪式的结束。可以留下一段时间沉思或默想。



Accipitral ala is regarded as a kind to symbolize divinely normally, a few ceremonies and kind can be taken when consecrate. These likelihoods because of culture and devotional difference different, but generally speaking, the ala of consecrate eagle may include the following measure:

1.** plans altar or stage of hold a memorial ceremony for: ** plans altar of a diminutive or stage of hold a memorial ceremony for in a quiet place, can use cloth or paper adornment. Ensure this place is clean, and do not have sundry.

2.** cleanness and preparative offerings: ** places a few clean water and food to serve as offerings on altar, this can be water or alimental indication, also can be actual article, wait like water and cereal.

3.** prays and call: ** begins in consecrate before, silent reads aloud or can pray aloud, of the ala that requests an eagle bless and how-to. Can be thankful with means expression of the individual and respect.

4.** displays on offerings: ** is buy of offerings light put down gently on altar, show esteem and dedication. In display on when offerings, the desire that can reiterate oneself and pray.

5.** is thankful and end: ** is after consecrate end, of the ala that conveys pair of eagles be thankful, announce ceremonial end. Can leave period of time to brood or meditate.

Remember please, the ala of consecrate eagle or any other things should be to stem from esteem and devotional state of mind. The means of consecrate can be mixed because of individual belief traditional and differ somewhat, important is to want to be done with genuine heart and devoir.
