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1. 准备供品:包括鲜花、水果、点心、酒等。这些供品代表着对祖先的敬意和尊重。
2. 摆放祭坛:选择一个清洁、安静的地方,摆放祭坛,可以用红布或纸来装饰,放置祖先的牌位或照片。
3. 点香点烛:在祭坛上点香和蜡烛,代表着对祖先的尊敬和祝福。
4. 祭拜祖先:站在祭坛前,合掌默哀或念诵祝福语,表达对祖先的敬意和思念。
5. 祭奠供品:将准备好的供品摆放在祭坛前,供奉给祖先。可以轮流摆放或者同时摆放。
6. 祈祷祈福:在祭奠完供品后,可以诵读祈祷文或者默祷,祈求祖先保佑家人平安、健康和幸福。
7. 结束祭祀:祭祀结束后,可以将供品留在祭坛上一段时间,然后慎重地处理掉,或者用清水洗净后放回原处。


When consecrate ancestor, follow the following move commonly:

1.Plan offerings: Include flower, fruit, mug-up, wine to wait. These offerings are representing the devoir to the ancestor and esteem.
2.Put altar: Choose a cleanness, quiet place, put altar, can be decorated with red cloth or paper, set ancestral memorial tablet or picture.
3.Burn sweet dot candle: Nod on altar sweet with the candle, representing the respect to the ancestor and blessing.
4.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to an ancestor: Stand before altar, add up to palm stand in silent tribute or recite beatific set phrase, convey the devoir to the ancestor and longing.
5.Offerings of hold a memorial ceremony for: Put ready offerings before altar, consecrate gives an ancestor. Can be put by turns or put at the same time.
6.Pray pray blessing: Be over in hold a memorial ceremony for after offerings, can chant pray prayer or contemplation, invocatory ancestor blesses family restful, health and happiness.
7.The end is sacred: After sacred end, can leave offerings in the period of time on altar, be located in manage to drop cautiously next, perhaps use the replace after clear water is abluent to be in formerly.
