大慈树王通常以供奉神像的方式来进行崇拜。供奉神像的方式包括将神像放置在特定的祭坛或神龛上,然后进行祈祷和献 offerings。这些 offerings 包括鲜花、水果、烛台上的蜡烛、以及其他特定于信仰的物品。在供奉神像的过程中,信徒通常会诵读经文或念诵特定的祷文,以示尊敬和敬意。
Big Ci Shuwang undertakes adoring normally with the means of consecrate God. The means of consecrate God includes to place God go up in specific altar or shrine, undertake pray and displaying Offerings next. The candle that these Offerings include flower, fruit, candlestick to go up, with etc specific the article at belief. In the process of consecrate God, believer connects lection of regular meeting chant or recite specific prayer, in order to show respect and respect.