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1. 准备供品:首先准备一些供品,如鲜花、水果、香烛等,以表达虔诚和敬意。

2. 敬献供品:将准备好的供品放在供桌上,然后站在供桌前合掌,闭目默念虔诚的祈愿或供养的意愿。

3. 念珠串:将念珠串轻轻放在供品旁边或供桌上,表示对佛法的尊敬和供养。

4. 默念经文:如果有经文要念诵,可以在心中默念或诵读相关的经文,以表达虔诚和敬意。

5. 表达心诚:在心中表达对佛法的尊敬和信仰,以及对念珠的供养之意。



Big clear temple makes offerings to the means of beads describes OK and simply as follows:

1.Plan offerings: Plan a few offerings above all, wait like flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, mix in order to convey piously devoir.

2.Jing Xian offerings: Put ready offerings on altar, stand before altar to join a strike with the palm of the hand next, the silent that close eye reads aloud devotional invocatory or the apiration that make offerings to.

3.Beads strings together: String together beads be put by offerings gently or on altar, the respect that shows pair of power of Buddha and make offerings to.

4.Silent reads aloud lection: If lection wants to recite, can read aloud in the silent in the heart or the lection related chant, mix in order to convey piously devoir.

5.Expressive heart sincere: The respect to power of Buddha and belief are expressed in the heart, and the make offerings to meaning to beads.

Make offerings to when beads, of the heart it is more important to compare a form with devoir piously, keep dedicated so and devotional and special important.
