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1. **准备供奉物品**:在供奉地母娘娘之前,需要准备一些供奉物品,如鲜花、水果、点燃的香烛、清水等。这些物品用于表达对地母娘娘的尊敬和虔诚。

2. **选择供奉场所**:选择一个清洁、安静的地方供奉地母娘娘,可以是一个神龛、神台或特定的供奉区域。

3. **摆放供品**:将准备好的供奉物品摆放在供奉地母娘娘的场所,可以按照自己的喜好和传统习惯进行摆放。

4. **行礼祷告**:在摆放好供品之后,可以合掌行礼,向地母娘娘表达虔诚之情,并祈求神灵的庇佑和保佑。

5. **经常供奉**:为了维持供奉的虔诚和连续性,最好能够定期进行供奉,如每天、每周或每月供奉一次。



Ground mother empress or imperial concubine of the first rank is one of important god Dai in Chinese traditional belief, be by consecrate normally in temple or family. The means of empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of consecrate ground mother can include the following measure:

1.** prepares consecrate article ** : Before empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of consecrate ground mother, need prepares article of a few consecrate, wait like flower, fruit, ignition joss sticks and candles, clear water. The respect that these article use at conveying right mother empress or imperial concubine of the first rank and devotional.

2.** chooses consecrate place ** : The empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of mother of local consecrate ground with a cleanness, quiet choice, can be table of a shrine, mind or specific consecrate area.

3.** puts offerings ** : Put ready consecrate article the place in empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of consecrate ground mother, can undertake putting according to oneself be fond of and traditional habit.

4.** salutes devotional ** : After putting good offerings, can add up to a palm to salute, express religious feeling to ground mother empress or imperial concubine of the first rank, of invocatory deities bless and bless.

5.** often consecrate ** : To maintain consecrate mix piously successional, best can undertake consecrate regularly, be like everyday, weekly or every months of consecrate.

Empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of consecrate ground mother is a kind of belief expression and to deities awe-stricken, need genuine state of mind and deferential manner.
