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Consecrate opens smooth avalokitesvara to beg child the ceremony with certain need and preparative work. Above all, you need one honour the avalokitesvara that opens light resembles, had better open light to pass by the professional personage in the Buddhist temple that has experience or cloister. Next, you can choose a quiet and kosher place to install altar. Censer, joss sticks and candles, flower and clear water are put on altar, with etc you think appropriate offerings, wait like fruit, cake. Be in everyday specific time, for instance early morning or dusk, you can select sweet, site candle, aspersion, put offerings, resemble invocatory children to the avalokitesvara that opens light piously restful health, family is happy. In addition, you are OK also everyday Song classics pray to Buddha, with further heart sincerity. Remember keep dedicated and devotional, hold to the habit of consecrate, believe avalokitesvara Bodhisattva can give you force and blessing.
