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1. **祭祀仪式**:定期举行祭祀仪式,以表达对女大灵的尊敬和感恩之情。在仪式中,可以献上食物、鲜花、香烛等物品,同时诚挚地祈祷。

2. **祭坛设置**:在家中或指定的场所设置女大灵的祭坛,供奉她的神像或画像,同时摆放香炉、香烛等祭祀用品。

3. **诚心祈愿**:每日诚心祈愿,表达对女大灵的敬仰之情,并祈求她的保佑和庇护。

4. **修行功德**:通过修行、行善积德,来感动女大灵,获得她的加持和庇佑。



Female big spirit is to point to female Wa great emperor, she is the important role in Chinese traditional myth, be considered as human first ancestor and god. The means of consecrate daughter big spirit can be mixed because of individual belief traditional and consuetudinary and different, but generally speaking, can take the following kind:

1.** of ** sacred ceremony: Hold sacred ceremony regularly, in order to express the respect of pair of female big spirit and the feeling that be thankful. In the ceremony, can display on the article such as food, flower, joss sticks and candles, at the same time cordial ground prays.

2.** altar installs ** : The place that be in the home or appoints installs the altar of female big spirit, consecrate her God or picture, put the sacred articles for use such as censer, joss sticks and candles at the same time.

3.** sincere desire is invocatory ** : Daily sincere desire is invocatory, express the revere feeling of pair of female big spirit, invocatory her bless and shelter.

4.** of merits and virtues of ** cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine: Pass accumulate virtue of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, do good works, will touch female big spirit, obtain her add hold and bless.

As a whole, consecrate daughter big spirit needs true purpose and cordial prayer, also can make according to individual circumstance while esteem is traditional and consuetudinary adjust accordingly.
