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1. **佛像种类**:有不同的佛像代表不同的佛教菩萨,比如释迦牟尼佛、观音菩萨、地藏菩萨等。选择一个你崇拜或信仰的菩萨是很重要的。

2. **佛像材质**:常见的材质包括黄铜、青铜、石膏、陶瓷等。选择一个质地高雅、细腻的材质,以展现对信仰的尊重。

3. **佛像姿态**:佛像的姿态有很多种,比如坐姿、站姿、卧姿等。每种姿态都有其象征意义,你可以选择符合你信仰和居室装饰风格的姿态。

4. **佛像尺寸**:根据供奉的位置和空间大小选择合适的尺寸,确保佛像与周围环境和谐统一。

5. **品质和价位**:选择一个制作精良、品质可靠的佛像,不一定要选择最贵的,但也不要只看价格而忽略质量。



When choosing consecrate figure of Buddha, want to consider oneself belief and be fond of above all. Next, can choose according to the following:

1.** of sort of ** figure of Buddha: Different figure of Buddha represents different Buddhist a term applied to a kindhearted person, for instance Bodhisattva of Sakyamuni Buddha, avalokitesvara, ground hides Bodhisattva to wait. Choose you adore or devotional Bodhisattva is very important.

2.Qualitative ** of material of ** figure of Buddha: Common capable person includes brass, bronze, gesso, pottery and porcelain to wait character. Choose the talent with a decorous, exquisite quality of a material to pledge, in order to show pair of devotional respect.

3.** of attitude of ** figure of Buddha: The attitude of figure of Buddha has a lot of kinds, for instance appearance of sitting position, station, prone position. Every kinds of attitude has his symbolic significance, you can choose to accord with your belief and the attitude that the bedroom decorates a style.

4.** of dimension of ** figure of Buddha: Choose appropriate measure according to the position of consecrate and dimensional size, ensure figure of Buddha and surroundings harmony are unified.

5.** character and price ** : The choice makes the figure of Buddha with excellent, reliable character, must not choose the most expensive, but also do not see the value only and oversight quality.

The most important is, the choice lets you feel calm, auspicious, can arouse the figure of Buddha with devotional heart.
