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1. 准备供奉物品:在家中选择一个清洁的地方,准备一个小桌子或者供桌。你需要准备一盏香炉和香炉台、一对香、一盏油灯或蜡烛、一杯清水、一些清香如檀香或者龙眼香、一些水果或者点心等。

2. 洗净身心:在供奉财神之前,先洗净自己的身心,心态平和,虔诚地准备供奉。

3. 摆放供品:将准备好的供品摆放在供桌上,可以按照自己的习惯和喜好来摆放。通常可以将清水倒入杯中,摆放水果或者点心在供桌上。

4. 点燃香火:点燃香炉中的香,或者点燃油灯或蜡烛,向财神献上香火,表示虔诚。

5. 祈祷诚心:在心中默念祈祷诚心,表达自己的愿望和感恩之情,请求财神保佑家中财运兴旺,家庭幸福安康。

6. 供奉结束:祈祷结束后,可以适当地吃一些供品,也可以将供品留在供桌上待到下一次供奉。

7. 定期供奉:最好定期进行供奉,以表达对财神的敬意和信仰,同时也能保持家中的吉祥之气。



Consecrate family expenses opens smooth mammon to be able to undertake according to the following measure:

1.Prepare consecrate article: A clean place chooses in the home, prepare a small table or altar. You need to prepare a cup of a sweet, oil lamp or a pair of a censer and censer stage, candles, clear water, a few faint scent to be like white sandalwood or longan sweet, a few fruits or mug-up.

2.Abluent body and mind: Before consecrate mammon, first abluent oneself body and mind, state of mind is gentle, prepare consecrate piously.

3.Put offerings: Put ready offerings go up in altar, can be put according to oneself habit and be fond of. Can pour clear water into the cup normally, put a fruit or mug-up is on altar.

4.Ignite burning incense: In igniting censer sweet, perhaps ignite oil lamp or candle, display to mammon on burning incense, express devotional.

5.Pray sincere: In the heart silent reads aloud pray sincere, express oneself desire and the feeling that be thankful, carry of the money in requesting mammon to bless the home is flourishing, domestic happiness is in good health.

6.Consecrate ends: Pray after the end, can eat a few offerings appropriately, also can leave offerings on altar to be waited for the next time consecrate.

7.Fixed consecrate: Had better undertake consecrate regularly, in order to express the devoir to mammon and belief, also can hold the lucky breath in the home at the same time.

Consecrate mammon is a kind of belief and culture tradition, the means of everybody may differ somewhat, but the most important is to be mixed in earnest devotional.
