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1. 佛像应该面向大门或者入口,以示迎接来访者。
2. 佛像应该放在最高的位置,以示尊崇和威严。
3. 佛像应该远离厕所和厨房等不洁之地。
4. 佛像的底座不应该接触地面,可以使用蒲团或者小床垫等提升底座。
5. 若有多尊佛像,则应该按照佛教传统的次序进行摆放,一般是释迦牟尼佛、观世音菩萨、地藏菩萨、阿弥陀佛等。


Normally for, when figure of Buddha of the consecrate in treasure hall, a few put regulation basically:

1.Figure of Buddha should face a gate to perhaps enter the mouth, receive the person that call in in order to show.
2.Figure of Buddha should be put in top position, in order to show homage and majesty.
3.Figure of Buddha should be far from the feculent ground such as toilet and kitchen.
4.The base of figure of Buddha should not contact the ground, can use cattail hassock the promotion base such as small perhaps mattess.
5.If have many honour figure of Buddha, should undertake putting according to the order of Buddhist tradition, it is Sakyamuni Buddha, Guan Shiyin commonly Bodhisattva, ground Tibet Bodhisattva, Amitayus.
