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1. **准备仪式场所:** 选择一个安静、幽静的地方作为供奉的场所,最好是在大自然中或者一个你感觉灵气很高的地方。

2. **准备供品:** 你可以准备一些水、鲜花、香或者其他你觉得合适的供品,以表达对灵魂的尊敬和敬意。

3. **焚香净化:** 在仪式开始前,可以焚香净化场所,驱除负面能量,以确保仪式的顺利进行。

4. **祈祷和呼唤:** 在开始仪式时,闭上眼睛,集中注意力,诚心祈祷,呼唤灵魂石的力量和存在。

5. **供品献上:** 将准备好的供品摆放在供奉的位置,表达对灵魂石的敬意和供养。

6. **心灵沟通:** 在供奉过程中,你可以与灵魂石进行心灵沟通,表达你的愿望、感谢或者请求。

7. **结束仪式:** 仪式结束后,诚心感谢灵魂石的存在和帮助,然后恭敬地收起供品,结束供奉。



Consecrate soul stone needs a few ceremonies and devotional participation. You can undertake according to the following measure:

1.** prepares ceremonial site: ** chooses a quiet, peaceful place to serve as the place of consecrate, had better be to be in nature or the place that you feel clever morale is very high.

2.** plans offerings: You can prepare ** a few water, flower, sweet other perhaps the offerings that you feel appropriate, in order to express the respect to the soul and respect.

3.** censes purify: ** begins in the ceremony before, can cense purify a place, drive is negative energy, in order to ensure ceremonial success.

4.** prays and call: When ** is beginning a ceremony, close an eye, focus attention, sincere desire prays, call the force of incorporeal stone and existence.

5.** offerings displays on: ** puts ready offerings the position in consecrate, the respect that expresses pair of soul stone and make offerings to.

6.** heart communicates: ** is in consecrate process, you can undertake with incorporeal stone the heart is communicated, the desire that expresses you, acknowledgment perhaps requests.

7.** ends a ceremony: After ** ceremony ends, sincere desire thanks the existence of incorporeal stone and help, pack up offerings deferentially next, end consecrate.

This process is a symbolistic ceremony, the purpose is with the soul Shi Jianli is contacted, express the respect to its and respect.
