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1. 祭祀仪式:可以在特定日期或节日举行祭祀仪式,向龙神祈福保佑。这通常包括祭祀品如鲜花、水果、糕点等,还可能包括燃烧香烛和焚烧纸钱。

2. 龙舞表演:龙舞被视为给龙带来喜悦和好运的方式之一。在特殊场合,如庆典、节日或重要活动上,人们可能表演龙舞来庆祝和祈福。

3. 建筑物和雕塑:人们可能在建筑物、庙宇或公共场所中设置龙的雕塑或图案,以象征龙的存在和保佑。

4. 画作和艺术品:龙在许多文化中被视为吉祥和权力的象征,因此人们可能在家中悬挂龙的画作或雕塑,以祈求好运和保佑。



The means of consecrate dragon is OK because of culture and tradition different, but include the following kinds of kind normally:

1.Sacred ceremony: Sacred ceremony can be held in specific date or festival, to Long Shenqi blessing is blessed. This includes normally sacred be like,taste flower, fruit, cake, include possibly still to light burn joss sticks illuminates and burn paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead.

2.Long Wu performs: Long Wu is regarded as dragon to bring joyance and one of lucky kind. In special situation, go up like celebration, festival or significant activity, people may perform Long Wu to celebrate with pray blessing.

3.Building and sculpture: People may be in building, temple or public in the sculpture that installs dragon or design, the existence with indicative dragon and bless.

4.The picture makes and artwork: Dragon is regarded as auspicious in a lot of culture auspicious of influence indicative, because this people is potential,the picture that horizontally pivoted hung is in the home hangs dragon is made or sculpture, in order to petition lucky and bless.

These means may be mixed because of belief of district, religion individual preference and differ somewhat, but represented pair of dragon esteem and respect.
