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1. **准备供品**:准备一些供品,如水果、糖果、茶叶、鲜花、香烛等,以及一些灰仙喜欢的物品或图像。

2. **清洁准备**:清洁供奉的地方,确保环境整洁,并且心态平和。

3. **设立供桌**:在一个清净的地方设立一个供桌或供台,放上供品。

4. **燃香拜祭**:点燃香烛,行拜祭礼,表达诚挚的敬意和祈祷。

5. **祈祷或念诵经文**:在拜祭过程中,可以诵读相关的经文或祷文,向灰仙祈求保佑和庇护。

6. **敬酒献茶**:可以倒上一杯清水或茶,以示尊敬,并祈求灰仙的保佑。

7. **心诚则灵**:最重要的是心诚,诚心诚意地祈祷和供奉,表达对灰仙的虔诚之情。



The means of consecrate grey celestial being because of culture and tradition different, but include the following measure normally:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Plan a few offerings, wait like fruit, candied, tea, flower, joss sticks and candles, and the article that a few grey celestial being like or image.

2.** cleanness prepares ** : The place of clean consecrate, ensure the environment is neat, and state of mind is gentle.

3.** establishs altar ** : In kosher place establishs an altar or offer a desk, put offerings.

4.** lights the sweet ** that do obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for: Ignite joss sticks and candles, do obeisance to sacrificial rites all right, the tribute with sincere expression and pray.

5.** prays or recite lection ** : In the process that do obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for, can the lection related chant or prayer, petition to bless and shelter to grey celestial being.

6.** proposes a toast the ** that offer tea: Can pour on one cup of clear water or tea, in order to show respect, of celestial being of invocatory ash bless.

7.** heart sincere clever ** : The most important is a heart sincere, pray earnestly and sincerely and consecrate, express the religious feeling of pair of grey celestial being.

In the process of consecrate grey celestial being, respecting tradition and ceremonial feeling is very important.
