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1. **空间选择**:选择一个安静、整洁的地方作为祖宗供奉堂,最好是家中的一间房间或一个角落。避免选择在厕所、厨房等不洁净的地方。

2. **祭坛摆放**:在供奉堂内摆放祭坛,供奉祖先的神像、牌位或照片,以及其他供品如鲜花、水果、茶水等。

3. **祭拜时间**:根据家族传统或个人习惯,定期进行祭拜仪式,如每月、每季度或每年一次。可以选择农历的特定日子,如祖先的生日或忌日。

4. **祭拜仪式**:准备必要的祭品,如香、烛、水、酒、食物等。在祭拜时,虔诚地祈祷并表达对祖先的尊敬和感激之情。

5. **祭祀道具**:除了基本的祭品外,还可以根据个人信仰和习惯添加其他祭祀道具,如檀香、沉香、礼物等。

6. **保持清洁**:定期清理供奉堂,保持整洁和清洁,以示对祖先的尊敬和敬意。



The arrangement of ancestor consecrate hall can be mixed according to domestic situation of the individual belief is used to and differ somewhat, but generally speaking, the following needs a consideration:

1.** space chooses ** : Choose a quiet, neat place to regard ancestor as consecrate hall, had better be a room in the home or a corner. Avoid to choose to wait for not clean place in toilet, kitchen.

2.** altar puts ** : Altar is put inside consecrate hall, the God of consecrate ancestor, memorial tablet or photograph, wait like flower, fruit, boiled water with etc offerings.

3.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to time ** : According to familial tradition or individual habit, undertake hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony regularly, be like every month, every quarter or annual. Can choose the specific date of the traditional Chinese calendar, be like ancestral birthday or the anniversary of the death of a parent.

4.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ceremonial ** : Plan necessary sacrificial offerings, wait like sweet, candle, water, wine, food. When hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to, pray piously and express the respect to the ancestor and appreciative feeling.

5.** of ** sacred prop: Besides primary sacrificial offerings, still can mix according to individual belief the habit adds other and sacred prop, wait like white sandalwood, agalloch eaglewood, gift.

6.** maintains clean ** : Clear regularly consecrate hall, keep neat with cleanness, in order to show the respect to the ancestor and respect.

As a whole, the arrangement of ancestor consecrate hall ought to with respecting ancestor, inheritance familial culture is a tenet, actual condition and devotional habit have combinative individual reasonable arrangement.
