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1. **祖先姓名**:按照辈分和排行顺序列出每位祖先的姓名,通常是从高辈分到低辈分排列。
2. **生卒年月日**:记录每位祖先的出生和去世日期,以便后人了解他们的生平。
3. **祭拜时间**:确定祭拜的具体时间,通常是农历的某个特定日子,例如清明节、中元节等传统节日,或者每年固定的某一日。
4. **祭拜项目**:列出祭拜时需要准备的供品,例如鲜花、水果、酒水、烧香等。
5. **祭拜程序**:简要描述祭拜的步骤和仪式,包括祭拜前的准备工作和祭拜时的具体操作。
6. **祭拜者姓名**:记录进行祭拜的人员姓名,可以包括整个家族的成员。



Ancestor consecrate watch includes the following content normally:

1.** of ** ancestor full name: List the full name that gives every ancestor according to position in the family hierarchy and seniority order, it is normally arrange to low position in the family hierarchy from tall position in the family hierarchy.
2.** gives birth to soldier date ** : The birth that records every ancestor and die date, so that later generations knows their life.
3.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to time ** : Decide the specific time that hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to, it is a certain specific date of the traditional Chinese calendar normally, for example tomb-sweeping day, medium the traditional festival such as yuan of section,
4.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to project ** : Preparative offerings needs when listed hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to, for example water of flower, fruit, wine, burn joss sticks.
5.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to program ** : The measure that brief characterization hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to and ceremony, the particular operation when the preparative work before including hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to and hold a memorial ceremony for are done obeisance to.
6.** of full name of the person that ** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: Record the personnel full name that undertakes hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to, can include whole and familial member.

When arranging ancestor consecrate to express, should notice clear, detailed ground fills in every project, so that later generations understanding is mixed,consult.
