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1. 准备一个小的佛龛或供桌,可以选择一个干净整洁的地方,最好放在家中的安静处。
2. 在佛龛或供桌上放置一尊浣猫佛像。你可以购买一个专门的浣猫佛像,或者如果你有艺术天赋,也可以自己雕刻一个。
3. 在浣猫佛前摆放一支香和一杯清水。香火是供奉的一种方式,而清水则代表清洁和净化。
4. 每天或定期给浣猫佛上香、换水,并向其祈祷。祈祷的内容可以是祈愿家庭平安、事业顺利,或者是请求浣猫佛庇佑你的宠物健康快乐。
5. 心诚诚意地向浣猫佛祈祷,表达你的愿望和感激之情。



Buddha of consecrate wash cat can follow the following move:

1.Prepare a small niche for a statue of Buddha or altar, can choose a clean and neat place, had better put in the quiet place in the home.
2.Figure of Buddha of cat of one honour wash is placed on niche for a statue of Buddha or altar. You can buy a special wash cat figure of Buddha, or if you have artistic talent, OK also oneself carve.
3.One is put before wash cat Buddha sweet rinse with a cup. Burning incense is a kind of means of consecrate, and cleanness of delegate of clear water criterion and purify.
4.Everyday or go up to wash cat Buddha regularly sweet, change water, pray to its. Prayer content can be invocatory family restful, career is successful, perhaps request wash cat Buddha to bless your pet health is happy.
5.Heart sincere sincerity ground prays to wash cat Buddha, express your desire and appreciative feeling.

The means of Buddha of consecrate wash cat is OK because of the person different, the most important is to use a heart to handle this process piously.
