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1. 将碎片小心地收集起来,避免划伤自己。你可以使用纸巾或者手套来保护手部。

2. 将碎片放在一个盒子或者容器里,确保不会再次摔碎。

3. 考虑是否修复。如果碎片不是很严重,你可以尝试用特殊的胶水或者粘合剂将它们粘合在一起。不过,修复后可能会有痕迹,影响美观。

4. 如果无法修复,可以考虑购买新的财神像。在购买新的财神像时,可以选择一个更结实的材质,以避免再次发生类似的情况。

5. 在处理碎片时,可以做一些祈祷或者祈福的仪式,以消除不祥之气。



If your mammon resembles falling,broke, want to come down calmly above all, not alarmed. Next, you can handle according to the following measure:

1.the fragment carefully gather up comes, avoid him cut. You can use paper towel or the glove will protect hand ministry.

2.Put the fragment in a box or in container, ensure won't fall again broken.

3.Consideration whether repair. If the fragment is not very serious, you can try to use special glue or adhesive is together their agglutinate. Nevertheless, repair hind may have a mark, the influence is beautiful.

4.If cannot repair, can consider to buy new money God. When buying new money God, can choose a stronger ability to pledge, produce similar case in order to avoid again.

5.When handling a fragment, can do a few pray or the ceremony of pray blessing, in order to remove bodeful gas.

As a whole, processing throws broken money God to need to be mixed calmly patient, also want to respect belief and tradition at the same time.
